Sunday, May 29, 2016

Toxins that destroy the thyroid gland and treatment in a healthy way

The instance of thyroid diseases is running close to epidemic in our country – women are most affected.

The thyroid gland or simply thyroid is an endocrine gland that is located just below the larynx, in the front of the neck on both sides of the trachea.
The gland surrounds the trachea from the front and consists of two lobes forming two wings joined to each other by intermediate part-isthmus. The gland looks like a little factory that uses iodine (mostly of seafood and kitchen salt is iodized today) to produce thyroid hormones.
These hormones regulate the metabolism, promote growth and have an impact on other important functions in the body.
Many factors may influence thyroid work. Incredibly, there are seven ingredients in our household that we use every day which can harm the thyroid gland. Fortunately, we can reduce the risk of developing complications by minimizing our exposure to these toxic compounds.
It is harmful to the environment but also for our body, and therefore for the entire thyroid health. The chemical released from plastic bottles, antimony, is just one problem.
In fact, a study that was conducted by the University of Copenhagen found that levels of antimony found in juices that are stuffed in plastic bottles was 2.5% higher than the level considered as safe. In addition, BPA and phthalates significantly reduce the function of the thyroid as well.
 Soy beans
It was found that soy protein neutralizes thyroid peroxide. Phytoestrogens, which are proteins found in soy act as agents that disrupt the function of this gland because they block the secretion of thyroid hormone, and the body’s ability to use iodine.
70 % of the water supply in U.S. contains fluoride, which helps prevent  dental cavities. Another unknown fact is that during the first half of the 20th century, fluoride was actually prescribed in small proportions of 2-5 mg on a daily basis over a period of a month, in order to treathyperthyroidism.
Halogens are in fact fluoride and chloride. These halogens are absorbed through food, water, even the environment. Fluoride and chlorides prevent the normal thyroid functioning. Over- exposure to halogens leads to interruption of Iodine transportation.
Bromine is toxic to the thyroid, and is found in almost everything from pool cleaners to some types of food. Even healthy patients can often have increased levels of this substance in their bodies.
A study discovered that about 60 % of pesticides used on a daily basis are likely to affect the thyroid’s production of hormones. The research showed that pesticides and weed killers have been proven to reduce thyroid function and increase resistance to weight loss.
Perchlorate is a waste product that is produced by fuels for jets and rockets. The CDC claims that almost everyone have perchlorates in their bodies, for it is found in the water used to water our fruits and vegetables, and even in our drinking water.
This article offers you an amazing natural drink which will help you improve your health and fight off thyroid conditions.
All you need are the following ingredients:
– 3/4 glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (about 3 oranges)
– 1/4 glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice (about 1-2 lemons)
– 1/4 tablespoon of ground ginger
– 1/2 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
– 1 glass of 100% cranberry juice (unsweetened)
– 7 glasses of purified water
– 1/4 tablespoon of ground nutmeg
Preparation method:
Boil the water. Then lower the heat and while stirring add the cranberry juice, the ginger, the cinnamon and the nutmeg. Stir well and let the mixture simmer for 20 minutes more.
Afterwards, at room temperature let the mixture cool down. When cooled down, add the orange juice and the lemon juice. Add ice cubes and enjoy your incredibly healthy drink!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

10 Common Things You Should Never Put On Your Face

The internet is full of DIY remedies, including skin care tips and fixes. While some of these suggestions may seem like a good idea, you may be doing more harm to your skin than good. There are plenty of beneficial ways to keep your skin clean, clear, and healthy, but the following ten items should not part of any DIY skin care regimen.

Make sure that you avoid these 10 things you should never put on your face.

1 – Hairspray

You may have come across some DIY skin care remedies that included hairspray for drying out acne or for other skin care treatments. While hairspray could dry out your skin, it will also clog your pores and lead to skin irritation – which may result in more breakouts and blemishes.

2 – Body Lotion

Body lotion is called “body lotion” for a reason – it is designed for your body. Compared to the skin on your face, the skin on your body is thicker and more resilient. Body lotions typically contain more fragrances and fewer ingredients that are intended to moisturize.

While not all body lotions are harmful for your face, you are better off keeping your body lotion on your body and your face lotion on your face.

3 – Toothpaste

Using toothpaste to dry out zits is an old remedy that many people try. Even though toothpaste can dry your acne, it will also irritate your skin and could cause more serious problems, such as chemical burns or scarring. A small dab of tea tree oil is the solution you seek and will not harm your skin.

4 – Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is often used to moisturize dry or cracked skin. It can be used to help treat bug bites and cuts, but it is not a suitable solution for your face. When you first apply petroleum jelly to your face, you may feel that it helps moisturize and soften your skin, but it begins to seal in dirt and debris, leading to more blemishes and dryness.

5 – Hot Water

Everyone enjoys a hot shower, but too much heat will eliminate moisture from your skin. The hot water will soften natural oils and remove the protective barrier that keeps moisture from escaping. This will cause more dryness and patchy skin. When you have naturally oily skin, this dryness will cause your body to produce more oil.

6 – Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is often used to prevent infections from minor cuts and burns, but it is not a good option for treating breakouts and blemishes. Applying hydrogen peroxide can lead to burning and blistering of the skin from oxidative stress. Another reason to avoid hydrogen peroxide is that cause inflammation and allergic reactions.

7 – Sugar

It is not unusual to see DIY facial scrubs that contain sugar. This is another idea that seems like it would work, but actually does more harm than good. As mentioned, your facial skin is not as resilient as the skin on your body. Sugar may be suitable for a scrub for your legs, but it can damage the skin on your face – it is simply too rough.

8 – Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is another item that has beneficial uses, but not for your face. Rubbing alcohol can be used to sterilize wounds and prevent infections. When you first apply rubbing alcohol to your face, it may feel cool, but it will severely dry your skin out. It can actually dissolve the DNA of your skin cells, resulting in dead skin cells.

9 – Baking Soda

Baking soda has a rough texture and consistency that may lead some people to try using it as a scrub. Avoid this at all costs. Maintaining a natural pH balance is an essential part of keeping your skin healthy. Using baking soda will throw this balance off, damaging your skin and preventing it from being able to maintain moisture.

10 – Lemon

Baking soda has a high alkaline content, while lemon juice is the opposite. It is highly acidic, but it can also disrupt your pH balance. It is also phototoxic – sun exposure can irritate the skin further and cause chemical burns.

Avoid applying any of these items to your face. There are many beneficial DIY skin care treatments that you can use, but none of them should contain the ten items listed above. Treat your skin with care, you want to avoid treatments that are too rough or damaging.

The best way to protect your skin is to avoid touching your face as much as possible and wash your face with lukewarm water before bedtime. Never leave makeup on overnight and always triple check the authenticity of any DIY skin care treatments that you find online.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

How to Stop a Heart Attack in 1 Minute

Did you know that cayenne pepper can prevent heart attack in a minute? So you better make sure you always have it on hand or at least in your kitchen cabinet, cause you never know when you might need this valuable ingredient.

An American herbalist, Dr. Christopher, has never lost a patient to a heart attack in his 35-year career. What he does is he gives a cup of cayenne pepper tea (a teaspoon to a cup of water) to patients who are still conscious.  These theory is scientifically proven from personal experience and not on studies done in controlled conditions. So it is even more trustworthy.

The reason why Cayenne pepper helps with heart attack is because it has at least 90,000 Scoville units, according to the Scoville Heat Units (SHU). This also includes Habanero, Thai Chi, African Bird, JalapeƱo, Jamaican Hot Pepper, and Scotch Bonet. A combination of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and a glass of water can be given to patients who have had a heart attack, but are still conscious and breathing.

If the person is unconscious, put a few drops of cayenne pepper extract under the patient’s tongue.

This will increase the heart rate and carries blood to all parts of the body, thus balancing circulation. It has hemostatic effect, stops bleeding, and helps in heart recovery.

The remedy below is considered to be the best remedy for emergency cases of heart attacks. Just remember to use cayenne pepper and not hot pepper.


Cayenne pepper powder
a few fresh cayenne peppers
50% alcohol (you can use vodka)
glass bottle (1 litre)


Put your gloves on because cayenne peppers are pretty hot.

Fill a quarter of the glass bottle with cayenne pepper powder and put enough alcohol to cover the powder. If possible, do this on the first day of a New Moon.

Blend a few fresh cayenne peppers, and add enough alcohol so it gets a sauce-like texture.

Add the mixture to the bottle which should now be 3/4 full.

Fill the bottle to the top with alcohol and close it well. Shake it several times during the day.

Leave the tincture until the next New Moon (after 28 – 29 days), and strain it using a gauze. Keep it in a dark bottle.

If you want to have a very strong tincture, strain it after 3 months.

Close the bottle and store it in a dry and dark place. It doesn’t spoil, so you can use it as long as you want.

Dosage: 5 – 10 drops of the tincture to a conscious patient who has suffered a heart attack or a stroke. Add another 5-10 drops in 5 minutes. Repeat the treatment until the patient’s condition improves.

If the patient is unconscious, put 1-3 drops under the tongue, and start a CPR. Repeat the treatment every 5 minutes until the patient’s condition improves.

Health benefits:

Cayenne pepper has antifungal properties which prevent the occurrence of Phomopsis and Colletotrichum
It has a beneficial effect on the digestive system – it stimulates the production of gastric juices, and relieves gases.

It has anticancer properties, especially for lung cancer and smokers. The capsaicin in cayenne pepper is known to prevent the development of tumors caused by tobacco, and similar results are noticed in patients diagnosed with liver cancer.

It helps in the treatment of stomach problems, migraines, flu symptoms, allergies, obesity, redness, toothache and arthritis.

There are 26 different nutrients in cayenne pepper, like calcium, zinc, selenium, magnesium, vitamins C and A.

Prepare this remedy and always have it handy, because cayenne pepper is one of the strongest natural spices that can do miracles for the heart.